Movie Theatre Owners Fear Ticket Discounts Could Hurt Business

“In theory, theaters stand to benefit from promotions if they bring in more customers who buy lots of popcorn, soda and other high-profit concessions. Even so, some exhibitors fear the heavy marketing of low-priced tickets through discount services such as Groupon, LivingSocial and DailyCandy will erode their business by encouraging moviegoers to wait for a bargain before trekking to the megaplex.”

Detroit Science Center CEO Suddenly Resigns

Kevin “Prihod’s sudden resignation on Friday and news that the Science Center faces revenue shortfalls and has fallen behind on mortgage payments on its $5 million in real-estate debt, raises complex questions about Prihod’s vision for the museum. Is the Science Center suffering from entrepreneurial overreach, poor management, the financial hangover of the recession or a combination of factors?”