Is There Ever Such A Thing As Too Much Rehearsal?

In Britain, a professional theatre production generally gets four weeks’ rehearsal (or six, at best), a few previews, then press night and that’s it. A few directors – Katie Mitchell and Deborah Warner, for instance – will watch performances during the run and give actors’ notes or even convene a rehearsal. At what point do diminishing returns set in?

Wanna Feel Safer? Dump Your Facebook Friends

“Worried about loose-tongued friends sharing your private details with the world? Culling the least discreet members of your social network will help you feel more secure, but it’s not a perfect solution. What if your best friend is an offender?” An Arizona researcher “has a technique for working out which friends are most likely to leak private information.”

Steve Jobs’s Greatest Legacy: Persuading The World To Pay For Content

“Ten years ago, if you wanted to download some music, your best bet was Napster or one of the filesharing systems such as LimeWire or KaZaA.” Then along came iTunes and its 99-cent songs. “Nowadays Apple sells TV shows, films, books, apps, as well as music. We take the explosion in available content for granted. But without Jobs, it’s likely we wouldn’t be here at all.”