Was One Man Motivating Americans To Go To The Movies?

“You may not know his name — Don LaFontaine (also known as ‘The Voice’) — but you certainly know his work. He’s the guy with the ominous voice of doom who introduced thousands of previews by saying things like … ‘In a world of blood. In a time of plague. In a land of death. In a house of pain . . . ‘” Now that he’s dead, fewer of us are going to the movies.

Are Movie Directors Overrated?

“We liked the story and that dialogue was hilarious — doesn’t that mean the movie was well written? And that actress we love — she’s good in everything. The director didn’t design the costumes. She didn’t operate the camera for that unbelievably cool tracking shot. She didn’t write that lush musical score or invent the sound effects that nearly rattled our teeth out of their gums.”

How Europe’s Teens Get Their Entertainment

“European teenagers still spend more time watching television than they do with any other medium — 10.3 hours a week, on average. That compares with 9.1 hours on personal — rather than work- or school-related — use of the Internet. Perhaps more surprisingly, according to the report, 12- to 17-year-old Europeans appear to spend considerably less time on the Internet than people 18 and older, who are online 11.4 hours a week — again, not counting professional or academic use.”

Who Owns That University Lecture? (Professor Or Student?)

“Thanks to technology, one of the core functions of a university – distributing information through its professors – is no longer entirely in its control. It’s a potentially unsettling development for universities and professors, and it has found its way into court, as professors take on commercial note services and grapple with how much to limit the recording and even filming of their lectures.”