Nine Black Actresses Have Now Been Cast As Hermione In ‘Harry Potter And The Cursed Child’, But The Producers Refuse To Discuss Race

“The play’s producers, Sonia Friedman Productions, declined to comment for this article, noting that the subject of Hermione’s race had been discussed at length when the play opened in London. But that was eight Hermiones ago. When asked to discuss the cultural significance of the casting decision in the era when diversity and inclusion have become priorities in theater, the producers rebuffed The Times‘ attempts to speak with the show’s director, actors or anyone else in the production.” – Los Angeles Times

The Online Image Business Is Being Gutted (Or Saved, Depending On Your Perspective)

The stock photo business is highly competitive, with Getty and its rivals, such as Adobe and Shutterstock, steadily cutting prices to keep market share. Last month, for example, Getty announced plans to move entirely to a “royalty-free” pricing model that would make stock images even cheaper for clients. But if lower prices have benefited Getty’s customers, they’ve also meant less money for stock photographers. – Seattle Times

Some Schools Used Science To Change The Way They Taught Reading. So Why Hasn’t It Caught On?

Danville’s method relies on new reading science. It has roots in an old way of teaching but is based on new cognitive neuroscience research that has revealed how brains process sounds and symbols. It borrows from linguistics, the study of language and its structure. Students do not memorize lists of words for spelling tests, yet the average Danville fourth grader is spelling at the sixth-grade level. – Seattle Times

It’s Been 20 Years Since Britain’s Millennium Dome Was A Big Bust

Do you remember ‘Cool Britannia’? If you don’t, or if the idea makes you cringe, that might partly be because of the PR disaster of the Millennium Dome’s opening night. “For a government famed for its supposed mastery of spin, it was about as bad as it could get. It crystallised the doubts that floated around the New Labour project: this spectacular container of not very much made an easy emblem of the government’s preference for style over content, its attachment to vacuous statements of modernity, its use of messaging and focus groups to deliver meaningless platitudes, its tokenistic approach to regeneration.” – The Guardian (UK)