Tweeting The Symphony

The challenge, Will White said, was to find something inter­esting to say about the music in 140 characters or less — such as, “This is where the chosen maiden is forced to dance to her death” and “Point of this piece: don’t mess with the Russians or they’ll write music about beating you.”

The Great Walls In Our Heads

The Berlin Wall. The Great Wall of China. The Israel-West Bank barrier. The US-Mexico border fence that Republicans keep proposing. They may or may not keep people in or out, but they keep themselves in our minds. “Walls, then, are built not for security, but for a sense of security. The distinction is important, as those who commission them know very well.”

The World’s Most Argued-Over Monuments

“Some of the world’s most impressive monuments have backstories of bickering, which, in addition to good gossip, give travelers insights into local culture, history, and priorities. Even when a monument’s construction is well publicized, a positive reception isn’t guaranteed, whether because of differing aesthetic tastes, costliness, or partisanship.”

Ellsworth Kelly’s Curves, Rendered In Wood Grain

“From the beginning, Mr. Kelly declined to treat the material with stain or varnish. ‘When do you do something to it, that’s furniture,’ he said. The wood grain also provided a new way for Mr. Kelly to explore the intersection of the act of drawing – which he considers the basis of all of his art – and the surrealist penchant for lucky accidents.”