On What Makes Literary Parody Funny

A take on Raymond Chander’s dick Philip Marlowe preparing a leg of lamb “is funny not just because of the incongruity between the tough-guy manner and the task at hand (‘I put the squeeze on a lemon and it soon juiced’); it’s also funny, a bit more disturbingly, because it shows us that there’s something inadvertently comical below the surface of Chandler’s hard-boiled prose.”

iPod Sales Sinking. Is The iPod Finished?

“The latest sales figures for the quarter to June showed 9m sold – the lowest quarterly number since 2006. In short, the iPod, launched in October 2001, looks to be in terminal decline. While Apple is unworried – sales of its iPhone and iPad are booming – the drooping figures for the digital music player market are a concern for another sector: the music companies.”

Blockbuster Filing Bankruptcy

“Just as video stores once failed to compete with Blockbuster’s larger inventory, the retail chain now can’t compete with Amazon, Netflix, on-demand cable-satellite, and other means of delivering video entertainment that don’t involve going to a store — even as it struggled to keep up, offering DVD-by-mail option.”

Are The Olympics Profitable?

“Almost every city that does this gets into trouble one way or another because they can’t figure out how to stop spending money. Athens thought they’d spend around $5 billion on the 2004 Games and ended up spending around $18 billion. London thought they were going to spend ($5 billion), and they’re somewhere around $20 billion or more with two years to go.”