We Can’t Hide From Space Aliens, And It’s Lucille Ball’s Fault

“Stephen Hawking … [has] suggested that we should be wary of contact with extraterrestrials, citing what happened to Native Americans when Europeans landed on their shores. … [But it’s] manifestly too late. We have been inadvertently betraying our presence for 60 years with our television, radio and radar transmissions. The earliest episodes of I Love Lucy have washed over 6000 or so star systems, and are reaching new audiences at the rate of one solar system a day.”

The British Film Institute’s Wish List Of Lost Movies

Among them: “Sherlock Holmes’s first screen appearance in 1914’s A Study in Scarlet; the first HG Wells science fiction film, The First Men in the Moon (1919); and The Last Post, made by Dinah Shurey…, who sued Film Weekly over a column suggesting the movie made it ‘pathetically obvious’ that women could not direct (she was awarded £500 damages).”

It’s Summer 2010, So The Kids Must Be At Glee Camp

“Inspired by the overwhelming popularity of the musical comedy-drama on the Fox network, dozens of theater groups and arts organizations in Chicago and across the country have created ‘Glee’ summer camps for kids using music and choreography from the hit show. ‘Glee’ camps have formed in North Carolina, Florida, Arizona, Indiana and Utah.”

Paperless Tickets Are More Convenient For Whom, Exactly?

“Since a paperless ticket buyer has to show up at the door at the same time as the rest of his or her party, it’s almost impossible for a grandma living at one end of the country to buy a paperless ticket as gift for a grandchild living at the other end.” And groups “can be shut out if the person who bought the tickets on the group’s behalf fails to show up for some reason.”