Report: Toronto Symphony Negotiating With Former Cleveland Orchestra Boss

“Inside sources say the TSO is playing Let’s Make a Deal with Gary Hanson, a globally respected Toronto-born veteran of the classical music business who retired last year as executive director of the Cleveland Orchestra. In Cleveland, he was lauded for overseeing the magnificent renovation of Severance Hall, increasing attendance and boosting fundraising.”

Progress: Number Of Nonwhites Working In The Arts In Britain Up By 59% In Past Five Years

“Around 19,000 [black, Asian and minority ethnic] workers were employed in music and the performing and visual arts in 2015, compared to 12,000 in 2011 – a bigger change than in the wider creative industries (44%). Despite the surge, the 2015 figures means just 6.6% of all those in music and the performing and visual arts were black, Asian or from an ethnic minority, compared with 11.3% of those in the UK economy as a whole.”

Lessons Learned Running My Little Free Library

“Not only was I not a librarian, I wasn’t even really dealing in reading material. That the objects in our Little Free Library happened to be books was beside the point. The salient fact was that the items were free. We may as well, I suspected, have been offering plastic spoons, Allen wrenches and facial tissue. I tested this hypothesis by mixing in non-book items including an instructional DVD on how to use an exercise ball, and a few packets of echinacea seeds.”