Remember ‘Dr. Strangelove’ And ‘The Day After’? Why Don’t They Make Movies Or TV About Nuclear War Anymore?

After all, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Doomsday Clock is still set at two minutes to midnight, most of the Cold War-era nukes (or their replacements) are still here, and the world isn’t exactly seeming stable these days. Stephen Phelan looks at Hollywood’s portrayals of nuclear apocalypse, both older and more recent. – Boston Review

SFMOMA Will Be Sending Art To The Golden State Warriors’ New Arena

When the Chase Center opens in San Francisco in the fall, it will feature a 700-pound mobile by Alexander Calder and Isamu Noguchi’s 1975 Play Sculpture. “[They’re] part of a unique ongoing partnership to install four major works of art either borrowed from or commissioned by SFMOMA specifically for the Warriors’ new home court.” – San Francisco Chronicle

Museums And Galleries In Hong Kong Close In Support Of Demonstrations Against Extradition Law

“Around 100 Hong Kong arts organisations, including commercial galleries, signed up to call a strike on Wednesday as lawmakers were expected to begin a series of votes on the [law which would make it easier to extradite Hong Kong citizens to mainland China on political charges]. Those proceedings have been postponed as protesters and the police clash outside the legislature.” – South China Morning Post (Hong Kong)

New York Times Quits Political Cartoons

Beginning next month, the Times will cease running daily political cartoons in its international edition, editorial page editor James Bennet said Monday in a statement — a move that brings the overseas newspaper “into line with the domestic paper,” which in recent years had ceased running weekly roundups of syndicated cartoons and experimented instead with longer-form editorial comics. – Washington Post