The New Scaled-Down Dance Theatre Of Harlem

“Although the sizable deficit and the grim overall financial situation that threatened the organization in 2004 have diminished substantially, no one will be seeing the professional company in the near future. Instead, DTH is conducting a 10-city audition tour devoted solely to the intensive student summer program at its spacious Harlem headquarters, which continues to hum with activity.”

Time For Science 2.0

“The internet is providing access to vast amounts of data about human behavior that Barry Shneiderman argues provide the opportunity to study our interactions with the rigor seen in the natural sciences. He points to the success of design testing by prominent websites like Facebook and sees a future where scientist-designers move quickly from basic to applied research.”

Fisk Ordered To Put Stieglitz Collection On Display Or Lose It

The school has been given “seven months to renovate its Carl Van Vechten Gallery and return the collection to public display, or Fisk could risk losing the entire collection. In addition, the financially struggling school has been prohibited from selling all or any part of the collection, in accordance with the wishes of painter Georgia O’Keeffe, who donated the 101 artworks to Fisk in 1949.”

Why The Public Library Is Endangered

“Public libraries are defenceless. They’re not sexy, and it doesn’t seem to matter if we erode them just a little. But if we keep on the way we are going, one day they will be gone. And no, that won’t mean the end of thought or civilisation, but they are life-enhancing institutions. We may only realise that when the last one closes its doors.”

Can Technology Rescue Serious Reading?

“Clearly a huge range of books currently gets published but something fundamental is shifting for publishers and writers which is threatening the range available to readers and the livelihoods of most writers. Alongside a belief in the wilfulness of readers and writers, my hope for the richness of our future reading culture lies in a cocktail of new technology and strength of range-
holding booksellers.”

The Definitive Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller: The Definitive Biography will be published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson in November. It will trace the story of a staunch liberal, the son of Jewish immigrants in New York, who risked imprisonment by defying the House Un-American Activities Committee, and condemning Senator Joseph McCarthy’s persecution of communist sympathisers in The Crucible.”