Does “CSI” Make The Real Detectives Look Dumb?

“The increasing sophistication with which television dramas have portrayed investigators in recent years nearly guarantees our disappointment when we encounter the real ones, who too often don’t display the intuitive or analytic genius of a Monk on ‘Monk’ or McNulty on ‘The Wire.’ ‘Crime 360’ unintentionally creates the suspicion that gadgetry has supplanted thinking.”

Hollywood In Therapy

“Is this the year of the therapist in Hollywood? Sure, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts and psychologists have been fixtures in our popular entertainment through the ages. But often they’ve been silly caricatures on the sidelines… Suddenly, though, it seems the fictional therapist has hit center stage.”

Who Owns Art? Really?

“When will The Art Newspaper and the rest of the media and political world get it into their heads that no one owns Matisse and Picasso, or for that matter Botticelli or Caravaggio, any more than they own Shakespeare, Chekhov, Beethoven or Shostakovich? Issues of copyright regarding writers and musicians do at least have statutes of limitation placed upon them; it is more than high time that similar limitations were placed on art and material culture.”