Photography, Paris And The Genesis Of Surrealism

“Looking out at the madness of modern life in the early 20th century, Surrealism said, ‘Bring it on.’ … There was so much going on. The chaos of traffic and lights and humanity was constantly producing jarring images. Reality seemed to blur into a dream state and then back again. … By grabbing a moment from the flow of experience, [photography] gives it individual meaning. The throbbing life of Paris in the 1920s gets broken down into its bits, its isolated incidents.”

Where Is This Year’s Oscar Bounce?

This season, “there have been deflated basketballs with more bounce than awards movies. Blockbusters like ‘Avatar’ didn’t need (or get) one. The dark dramas needed one, but couldn’t come up with the goods,” whether for lack of cash or because they were already out of theatres. The single exception is the older-skewing “Crazy Heart.”

China’s Only Independent Dance Company Led By Country’s First Transsexual

Jin Xing was born male, and as a male he rose to the rank of colonel in the People’s Liberation Army (in the military’s performing arts company). At age 27, she became the first person in China to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Now, as a famous dancer and choreographer, she is founder and director of the nation’s only company with no state funding.