In An Online World All Art Is “Live”

“For decades, TV writing was a solitary pursuit, the writers alone in a room. Social media has transformed it. The process is now more like playing in a live band, with an audience cheering, booing, and hollering out requests. This is true across the cultural waterfront. As artists in all media go social–from novelists to … Continue reading “In An Online World All Art Is “Live””

When Publishers Know Everything About You

“Imagine a scenario where a publisher is able to cross-reference a reader’s profile on their news site with information gathered through social media profiles and other online behaviors. The product, still in private beta, triangulates all the signals we leave around the Internet to try to create a unified picture. You can see how this … Continue reading “When Publishers Know Everything About You”

Oh, Behave! (Do Performing Arts Organizations Really Want Younger Audiences?)

“Symphony orchestras, regional theatres, ballet and opera companies across North America are feeling stiff competition to lure ticket buyers who they believe are increasingly distracted by interactive entertainment and social media. But when those sought-after new audiences do show up, they don’t always behave the way that venerable institutions and veteran audiences expect.”

Let’s Not Put On These Google Glasses

“Today, social media are hailed for empowering dissidents and undercutting tyrannies around the world. Yet it’s hard not to watch the Google video and agree with Forbes’s Kashmir Hill when she suggests that such a technology could ultimately ‘accelerate the arrival of the persistent and pervasive citizen surveillance state,’ in which everything you see and … Continue reading “Let’s Not Put On These Google Glasses”