The New Lincoln Center – Reimagining A Public Space

“If in the end, the center got a less flashy makeover, it also got a more substantial one. The architects have lightened and enlivened the space, opened it up to the city and added touches of humor and eccentricity that suggest both a subtle aesthetic and a playful one. The redesign of Lincoln Center isn’t just about remaking 1960s monumentalism for a new era; it offers a compelling alternative to cities that place fear above dynamism.”

Darren Aronofsky Talks About Making A Dance Movie

“At first, we had a really hard time getting into the ballet world because it is very insular, and they like being secretive. Also they’re very serious about what they do, so, if you get in the way, they’re not interested. Eventually, when they realised we weren’t just making a romantic coming-of-age story set in the ballet world, but that we were actually taking one of the great ballets and turning it into a movie, they got really excited.”