Art Basel Miami Stabber Pleads Not Guilty To Attempted Murder

Siyuan Zhao, a 24-year-old graduate student and a Chinese national who lives in New York, allegedly “had been following the victim, 33-year-old Shin Seo Young, and repeatedly bumped into her. When Young finally confronted her, Zhao stabbed her suddenly and repeatedly in the neck and shoulder with an X-ACTO knife.” Onlookers at first assumed it was performance art.

What The Mainstream Can Learn From 2015’s Queer Indie Cinema

“The problem is that, even though mainstream viewers have learned to appreciate queer stories, creators still think that a story or its characters’ queerness is enough to create a successful work of art, commercially or otherwise. Or worse, that depicting a character queer in a nuanced way will scare away audiences. But that’s not the case, and it’s becoming obvious.”

The Subversively Comical Adult Coloring Books Of The Early 1960s

“‘This is my suit. Color it gray or I will lose my job,’ reads a caption next to a picture of a man getting dressed for work” in 1961’s Executive Coloring Book. “The coloring books that followed managed to cover, between them, a selection of the decade’s neuroses: national security, the red scare, technology, sex, mental illness. … There were coloring books that made fun of communists and coloring books that made fun of people who were scared of communists.”

Tiny Malibu Radio Station Was Going To Be NPR’s Smallest Affiliate – Until …

KBUU, the low-power FM station in the isolated L.A. beach community, had gotten a surplus NPR satellite dish and lots of support from two larger area public radio stations (whose signals don’t reach Malibu), and was set to go – until NPR unexpectedly denied permission, apparently at the request of another nearby affiliate (whose signal doesn’t reach Malibu).