Trump’s Trade War With China Is Harming American Authors

In a country not exactly known for the free flow of ideas, delays and freezes in publishing have changed what’s available in China. “Publishing industry insiders describe a near freeze of regulatory approvals, one that could make the publishing industry reluctant to buy the rights to sell American books in China.” That freeze may be thawing, or may not be – but in the meantime, U.S. authors and publishers have lost a major group of readers. – The New York Times

How Oxford – And JRR Tolkien, And CS Lewis – Turned English Curriculum To The Past And Kept English Fantasy There As Well

While Cambridge cut out its medieval requirement, Oxford – under the influence of Lewis and Tolkien – doubled down. That weirdly influenced the fantasy all over the English-speaking world. “At the moment that the British Empire is waning, you see this rise of children’s fantasy literature, which is set in these kinds of precolonial worlds, but also imagining these new vistas for exploration and the pleasures of exploration and colonization, encounters with indigenous peoples—but cloaked in a different story, where the people you’re encountering are ‘magical creatures,’ so you’re free of political resonances.” (Narrator: You’re actually not.) – Slate

What’s Disney’s Plan For ‘Star Wars’? Don’t Look To The Movies To Find Out

Look to streaming, of course, to lead the way. “Lucasfilm and Disney are now in a perfect spot: The Mandalorian is a success, Star Wars is ripe for more experimentation, and Disney+ is a new sandbox that will allow for similar experiments. The future of Star Wars won’t only live and die by big event films like The Rise of Skywalker; it’ll succeed with a consistent run of weird and fun Star Wars shows.” (And don’t forget the books, comics, games, ad infinitum.) – The Verge

Sorry, Journalists, But Some Kinds Of Media Aren’t Worth Saving

In Nieman Lab’s 2020 predictions, the founder of a collaborative journalism initiative says that some news organizations aren’t doing enough to make the case that they’re worth saving, but that will have to shift. “The question of how we save journalism (meaning newsrooms) will begin to shift to how do we save journalism (meaning the process). How we answer that question will have a profound impact on the management of newsrooms, the business models we develop, the processes we adapt, and the service we provide.” – Nieman Lab