It Wasn’t Too Long Ago That Indie Bookstores Were Dying. The Best Of These Are Now Thriving

“While browsing shelf after shelf of interesting finds is the foundation of an inspiring bookstore experience, it takes a secret sauce of qualities to make the best of the indies: a charming ambience complete with homey touches—think cool and comfy seating plus resident four-legged friends; a welcoming and shockingly knowledgeable staff, the quirkier the better; and a dedication to cultivating a community of book lovers, whether of the local or traveling variety.”

How George Orwell’s “1984” Became An Iconic Work

Television lives by viewing figures. Those for Nineteen Eighty-Four were, for a live drama, unprecedented. The tally (seven million) was exceeded only by that for the coronation of Queen Elizabeth the previous year. “Big Brother is watching you.”’ “doublethink,” “thought- crime” and the “two-minute hate” became catchphrases. They still are. The 1954 televization jump-started Orwell’s upward progress to his present status as the Cassandra of his time.

This Ballet Dancer Was Assaulted By An Instructor – And Now She Makes Ballets About Assault

Lissa Curtis’ instructor assaulted her on a plane and in Romania – but the FBI can only prosecute the plane portion. Now, she “advocates on behalf of survivors through her ballet, even as that very art triggers her severe PTSD and pushes her to her mental and emotional limits. ‘I feel as though I live with a ticking time bomb inside my chest,’ Curtis says.”