Baryshnikov’s In-House Choreographer, Azsure Barton

“In 2003, while performing with a group of fellow choreographers in Nebraska, she met her future mentor Mikhail Baryshnikov, another convert [from ballet] to modern dance. ‘He said, ‘I heard you’re good. I want to see your work.’ I thought, Yeah, right, I’ll never hear from him again.’ Instead, two years later, Barton became the first choreographer in the [Baryshnikov Arts Center].”

The Internet – A Threat To Information?

“The world’s computer network is ultimately a physical entity, onto which other forms of communication — film, telephone, television, radio — are starting to migrate. This is what media executives mean by ‘convergence.’ It seems likely to help big companies get even bigger, and arguably offers the potential for even tighter control of information than existed in the past.”