Walking The Paris Of Patrick Modiano’s Novels

“There is probably no other writer like Modiano who invites his readers on a tour. Give me your hand, he says, and I’ll take you to the streets of Paris. He returns to places he knew many years ago, and demonstrates that very little has changed. He gives us a clear, concise, amazingly accurate map with which we can walk around the city.”

The Dancer Who Conquered Autism Through Ballet

“I was diagnosed with autism when I was three, and I was always obsessed with dance. Anything movement-related I loved. My mother tried to put me in sports when I was younger even though I said I wanted to dance; she wanted to see if I could do anything else besides dance, maybe so I wouldn’t get bullied. But when I was six, she finally let me do my first ballet class. I stuck with it ever since.”

Janet Suzman Defends Statement That Theatre Is “A White Invention”

The South African-born actress – a longtime campaigner against racism who had a famous anti-apartheid activist for an aunt – drew some outrage on Monday by saying that theatre is a “European invention and white people go to it. It’s in their DNA.” She clarified her remarks with a call for more work from black and Asian playwrights – and then said “theatre is a pretty white way of spending an evening – and expensive.”

They’ve Already Been Workshopping This Opera, But They’ve Only Now Announced The Composer

“The composer usually is first to come aboard, even in the most unconventional operas. However, the appointment of Opera Philadelphia’s now-in-process ANDY: A Popera composer Dan Visconti was only announced this week – for a piece that has already had public workshop performances by the Philadelphia cabaret group the Bearded Ladies.”