“The issue of preservation is uniquely difficult for dance. A performance vanishes with the closing curtain. Afterwards it cannot comprehensively be recaptured either from notation or video. The camera often misses key detail, concentrating perhaps on the central action to the detriment of what may be happening elsewhere on stage. This is true even of companies’ specially commissioned video-records, some of which fail woefully to document work properly. As a result, much still depends on dancers’ memories; without them it is harder to make a piece come alive.” Ballet.magazine 12/01


Scottish Ballet wasnt to turn itself into a modern dance company. But this week a Scottish Parliament committee condemned Scottish Ballet’s financial plans as “hopes, wishes and false expectations,” and accused it of erecting a “necessary smokescreen” in announcing it would be moving away from traditional ballet. Now the wife of the Scottish First Minister says she supports the company’s plans. The Scotsman 12/01/01