Afghanistan On Stage

Three years ago theatre was banned in Afghanistan. Now there’s a national theatre festival – and even a play written by a woman, “The current revival is taking place in a climate of creative freedom. Many plays at the national festival have themes that are daring in Afghanistan – star-crossed lovers, hypocritical mullahs, corrupt provincial governors, smugglers of ancient cultural artifacts, and drug lords. But Afghans have not forgotten how to laugh – several plays take digs at doctors, policemen, and busybodies.”

When Concert Halls Attack!

The Los Angeles Philharmonic’s glittering new home may be glittering just a bit too much for its neighbors. “The world-famous Walt Disney Concert Hall — crown jewel of downtown Los Angeles’ revival — must lose some of the luster from its polished stainless-steel exterior before somebody goes blind, according to a new report. The brilliant rays blind drivers, pedestrians and nearby residents, and create sauna-like conditions in condominiums and businesses. Temperatures on the sidewalks surrounding the hall have been measured at up to 138 degrees.” Los Angeles County officials are considering a plan to sandblast the shimmering stainless steel walls of Disney Hall to dull the glare.

Legal Downloads Boost Music’s Bottom Line

Sales of music singles are down again. But legal downloads are soaring. “Around 1.75 million download tracks were purchased during the quarter, compared with 7.3 million singles. And download sales, currently running at around 250,000 a week, are expected to accelerate around Christmas time as thousands of digital players are received as gifts. Had digital sales been added to the overall total, the market would have shown a 9% increase on the previous quarter rather than a 12% decline.”