‘An Antidote To Shame’: Garth Greenwell On James Baldwin’s ‘Giovanni’s Room’

“Shame is one of the central subjects of Giovanni’s Room … But that’s not stating it strongly enough: the whole novel is a kind of anatomy of shame, of its roots and the myths that perpetuate it, of the damage it can do. … That was the balm of the book when I first read it, the sense it gives that the tragedy it recounts is anything but inevitable.”

Are The Van Goghs Real Or Not – There’s Money And Reputations On The Line

If you do the math, 65 times, it amounts to more than $180 million: a handsome sum for an offhand find and well worth continuing to court experts over, even in the face of expert dismissals and disavowals. When the Van Gogh Museum rejected the sketchbook outright in 2008 — calling the works “monotonous, clumsy and spiritless” — the owners simply sought more opinions until they found one that fit.

The Steven Galloway Scandal Has Fractured Canada’s Star Literary Community

“Canada’s literary community punches above its weight. Its achievements are notable, but its numbers are relatively small. People tend to know one another – from school, teaching gigs, the writers’ festival circuit. All of this has now ruptured. Some long, meaningful friendships have dissolved. The program Galloway once led has ugly scars and deep divisions. Some very good people have left, or are leaving.”