Robert Hughes: Rauschenberg Is The Great American Artist

“His output is very large, almost incontinent, and the failures of his work are legion. But the talent is vast enough to fill the output. I hope I’m not dumb enough to think he can do no wrong. But what he does right matters so much more than what he does wrong. He is, I think, the genius of American art since the death of Pollock, and I’m not sure that I don’t prefer the higher achievements of his art to most of Pollock anyway.”

The Metropolitan Opera Sings Its Support For France With The French National Anthem

“Inserts with the anthem’s lyrics were placed into the programs, and members of the audience rose to their feet, and some sang along, as the Met’s chorus, principal singers and some members of the company’s staff gathered together on stage and sang ‘La Marseillaise,’ with the Act I set of the church of Sant’Andrea della Valle in the background.”

Spike Lee Says Getting A Black President Has Been Easier Than Getting A Black Person In Charge Of A Film Studio

“The director told the industry audience gathered at the Ray Dolby Ballroom at Hollywood & Highland, ‘We need to have some serious discussion about diversity’ and he thanked Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs, saying ‘she’s trying to do something that needs to be done’ for raising the issue and making it part of the Academy’s current consciousness.”

In A Copyright Move, Anne Frank’s Father Is Added As ‘Co-Author’ To Her Diary

“The move has a practical effect: It extends the copyright from Jan. 1, when it is set to expire in most of Europe, to the end of 2050. Copyrights in Europe generally end 70 years after an author’s death. Anne Frank died 70 years ago at Bergen-Belsen, a concentration camp, and Otto Frank died in 1980. Extending the copyright would block others from being able to publish the book without paying royalties or receiving permission.”

Twyla Tharp, Vampire

“Yes, I’m Dracula, they’re the soil and the dance is the coffin. … In a way it’s not a bad analogy because what I do is, you know — can I dance? Sort of. Am I in condition to do much of anything right now? Absolutely not. I don’t obviously have the instrument now to evolve really demanding physical movement. For that I need — hello — younger bodies.”