Einstein, Augustine, and the Nature of Time

“Augustine’s conception of God [was that He] had created time when He created the universe. To ask what God was doing before that great act is simply meaningless. … Einstein presented what is referred to as the ‘block universe’ – the notion that all times exist equally. … ‘The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, however persistent,’ the genius of relativity mused.”

Watching Slavoj Zizek Do a Book Signing

“‘Anna,’ said [one purchaser], ‘with two n’s. I’m from Denmark.’ ‘Denmark,’ said Mr. Zizek. ‘I like Denmark because secretly I am a fascist. Keep the trains running on time. It’s the only way to stop Hitler!’ … ‘Do you like the show Lost?’ asked the next in line. ‘No,’ said Mr. Zizek, ‘it’s too intellectual. I like 24‘.”

A Warhol For $63 Million? We Don’t Think So

“It was widely reported that on Monday night, at Phillips de Pury auction house, Andy Warhol’s 1962 portrait of Elizabeth Taylor and her lovers, Men in Her Life, sold for $63 million. Problem is, it’s not quite true. Because of a type of (legal) insider deals, the winning bidder may have written a check for less, even a chunk less, than $63 million to take the picture home.”