Are Movie Studios Being Squeezed Out?

Movie investors are increasingly bypassing Hollywood studios and dealing directly with producers. “The reason is a simple desire for more control. Wall Street financiers want a greater say over what movies they finance and who makes them; producers want more artistic independence and a larger share of the profits. The studios themselves are nudging the trend along, too, since they are making fewer movies.”

The Art Of DUMBO

“In some ways, the story of artists in DUMBO is a typical New York story: Artists move into a blighted –– or, in this case, largely empty –– neighborhood and lend it some glamour; then real estate values go up, and most of them are priced out. But in other ways, DUMBO has followed an unusual path, since such huge chunks of the neighborhood are owned by Mr. Walentas, who along with his wife takes a strong interest in art.”

Turkish Pride Over Nobel (Sorta)

Orhan Pamuk’s Nobel win is the first for a Turkish writer. “This year’s prize, then, puts the Turkish government in the awkward position of having to celebrate a writer it only recently tried to put in jail. The Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a lukewarm statement of congratulation, saying in part, ‘For years, it was our public’s expectation to see a Turkish writer awarded the Nobel literature prize’.”

Orange County Arts Snapshot (Not Encouraging)

Orange County just opened a big new concert hall. So things are good for the arts in Southern California, right? Not according to a new study. “Prices are up, attendance is down, fewer schoolkids are getting free exposure to the arts, and Orange County’s museums and performing arts presenters are not feeling terribly bullish about the immediate future, according to a study of the O.C. cultural landscape.”