The Futility Of Trying To Sell Your Own Music

“Now that we’re put in touch directly with our audience and that distributors can be completely removed from the equation, we have exactly the same problem selling the music as the distributors had. Just because the songs are available to buy, doesn’t mean we can sell them – in the same way that (and excuse the often-used analogy) installing a landline doesn’t mean that the phone is going to ring. And we can’t blame the distributors any more. The only people that are left to blame are ourselves. And that hurts.”

Steel: “I Want To Make Dallas Opera The Best In The Country”

So says George Steel, Dallas Opera’s new director. “There was a time when such a statement would not have sounded as audacious as it does now. During its golden era, the Dallas Opera was a home away from home for Maria Callas, one of the most famous opera singers to ever step foot onstage. Placido Domingo had his North American debut here, and Franco Zeffirelli, who would go on to become a famous film director, served as a stage designer on a number of productions for the opera.”

Can You Really Have An Award For “Spirit Of The Fringe”?

Fringe festivals don’t work that way. “Isn’t the spirit of the fringe to do art for art’s sake, for no other reward than having created something beautiful or startling or ugly or interesting? The minute a finance company gives £4,000 and a Perspex award to someone, doesn’t that destroy any Fringe spirit that they might have had, in any case?”

José Carreras At 61

He’s still giving 50 concerts a year around the world. Some say it is time to stop now before his famous timbre goes, but he won’t hear of it. “I hope I can continue for another four or five years. I have great emotion every time I go on stage. Nothing in life gives me the same satisfaction that my profession gives me.”