Georgia Science Museum To Close

“After years of declining attendance and contributions, the Science and Technology Museum of Georgia is suspending operations this weekend. SciTrek has struggled financially for years, although its recent tax forms show a balanced budget of about $2.6 million. About 70 percent of its financial contributions came from local businesses, with the rest from city and state government.”

Artists Against Bush

There is an awful lot of anti-Bush art making the rounds these days. “You don’t need a conspiracy theory or an imminent Republican convention to explain why there is so much Bush-bashing entertainment today: Mr. Bush is in power. The opposition is generally more motivated, but perhaps not as galvanized as it seems to be this year.”

BalletLab As A Product

Phillip Adams’ BalletLab has a short history – it was founded by Adams in 1998 – but the company has already made an impressive impact in Australia and abroad, having already toured to Beijing, Mongolia, Britain and Europe.”Product is what it is. But I’m not embarrassed about my art, and I’m an artist with a pretty clear vision of what I want to say to the world. I am a damn fine schmoozer and am one of those people that get out there and are not ashamed to say ‘this is my gear and I think you will like it’. I think there’s a place for it not just in the Australian scene, but in the international arena.”

Plans (Many Of Them) To Help Aboriginal Artists

Australian Aboriginal art is very popular these days, and the market just keeps on going up. But the artists themselves live in poverty, so now some plans to improve their welfare. “Suddenly such conscience is manifest in several plans – complementary, competing, or controversial, depending on your view – initiated by dealers, auction houses, artists, and government.”