Architecture for Humanity’s Globe-Trotting Ideas Man

“This time last week, Nathaniel Corum was on a Navajo reservation in Arizona where three elders’ families were moving into new solar-powered homes that he’d designed to be built from straw bales. Next came the news that the Plastiki, a boat made from 12,500 recycled plastic bottles for which he’d designed the cabin, had docked safely in Sydney after a 130-day voyage across the Pacific to protest against plastic waste.”

Blogosphere Responds to Choreographers-Should-Stop-Blogging Post

Wendy Perron: “My last outburst touched off a firestorm of responses. … What I appreciate most is that my cranky complaint has triggered a series of blogs that really take a look at this trend (of step-by-step blogging about what happened in the studio that day) and try to figure out the most effective ways for choreographers to go public with their musings.”