How TV Has Helped Normalize Gay Families

“That premise has been embraced by television for almost a generation, with gay characters and couples and parents dating at least to the dads depicted on The Tracey Ullman Show in the late 80’s. What effect have these portrayals played in gaining social acceptance for same-sex families? What role does a movie likeThe Kids Are All Right play in changing social perceptions?” Five contributors debate the questions.

Dueling Shylocks in New York This Winter?

“Off Broadway’s Theater for a New Audience announced on Wednesday that its critically acclaimed 2007 production of The Merchant of Venice, starring F. Murray Abraham as Shylock, … will return to New York for a two-week run starting Feb. 27 … The Public Theater, meanwhile, is continuing to look at options for a Broadway transfer of its current [Central Park] production of Merchant,” starring Al Pacino.

Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness

“Money is surprisingly bad at making us happy. Once we escape the trap of poverty, levels of wealth have an extremely modest impact on levels of happiness, especially in developed countries” – where there’s a fundamental, partly sunconscious belief “that dollars are delight in a fungible form.” Why is this? Perhaps because of the “experience-stretching hypothesis” …

Does The Edinburgh Fringe Have Some Real Competition?

“Visiting the Latitude festival [in Suffolk] for the third time, it struck me that this event is fast becoming a genuine alternative to the Edinburgh festival fringe. The theatre offering gets better every year, and … a short-form festival such as Latitude must seem like a far more practical proposition than schlepping up to Scotland for a month. The same could be said for audiences.”