Is Britain A Nation Of Abstract Art Philistines?

Jonathan Jones: “Britain has never ‘got’ abstract art. Even articles that appeared this week marking the death of Cy Twombly attracted comments of the ‘my child could do that’ variety. It is tempting to dismiss these attacks as philistine, but that would be to ignore an eminently respectable and artistically sophisticated British tradition of disdain for abstract painting.”

Codex Calixtinus Manuscript Stolen From Santiago De Compostela

“The Codex Calixtinus, a priceless 12th century illuminated manuscript, has vanished from the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. … As well as a major source of historical information, the codex is considered one of the first guidebooks to the Way of St James pilgrimage” and is one of Europe’s most important original sources of medieval music.