A Fantasy-League King Lear

Jessica Winter: “[I seek] out every Lear I [can] find. … This quasi-completeist mission is perverse, because its frisson depends largely on expectations of shameless presumption and abject failure. (You fiends! How dare you dare to stage this!) But the promise – always kept – is the thrill of seeing actors try the impossible.”

Is British Commercial Theatre Too Averse To Satire?

“People feel that satire needs to be bang up to the minute, with scripts changing daily to reflect the news. While this is not impossible, with productions such as The Prisoner of Windsor turned around in a mere two weeks, … we appear more constricted on a big stage. West End shows need a long time in preproduction and after a short run they could be irrelevant.”

That Festivals Edinburgh Study Is About More Than £261M In Economic Impact

“Nobody paints a painting, writes a poem or puts on a play with the intention of having an economic impact – that’s just a byproduct. Money is easy for consultants to measure, but it tells you nothing about the quality of the experience for either artist or audience. What’s interesting about the new Edinburgh study is that it understands this.”

EMI Takes Back Digital Rights From ASCAP. And This Means…

“Earlier this month, EMI Music Publishing announced that it will take back digital licensing rights from ASCAP, the body that collects performance royalties for artists in North America. In the future, all digital licensing of the EMI April Music catalogue, one of the company’s two largest catalogues featuring almost 200,000 of the most popular songs ever written (according to EMI), will be done directly by EMI.”