What We’ll (Probably) Never Understand: ‘Known Unknowns’ And ‘Unknown Unknowns’ In Science

Just as a chimpanzee can’t understand or even conceive of, say, quantrum mechanics or arts administration, there are surely countless ideas and phenomena in the universe that are beyond the abilities of the human brain. “But the limits in knowledge and understanding that we do recognise are, if anything, cause for celebration. … We may never be able to know everything, but discovering what we cannot know usually leads to us knowing more.”

What’s An iPad Reader Worth?

“Anybody in publishing will tell you that the prices they can charge advertisers for print (and now tablet) subscribers are far above the commodity pricing that rules on Web-based content. As more and more magazines end up in people’s laps, backlighted and without a mailing label, it’s a huge win for magazines, right?”

Legendary Editor Calls It Quits

“Robert Loomis holds a revered place in the publishing industry as an editor known for nurturing writers including Maya Angelou, William Styron, Shelby Foote and Calvin Trillin. He is considered one of the last great old-school editors, a legend from the days when writers tended to stay put at a publisher rather than jump to a new one with each book, and when editors called all the shots within a publishing house, even if then, as now, they remained largely unknown to the public.”