Current U.S. Copyright Law Doesn’t Just Stifle Creativity, It’s Unconstitutional

“Ensuring that copyright was temporary was expressly written into the Constitution … While the Founders’ copyright was for 14 years, today’s copyright lasts over 100 years. Thus the instrument the founders created to ‘promote the progress of the sciences’ is actually being used to impede the progress of the sciences” and culture.

The Tortured Rise of the All-American Bro

“Where did this strange American Bro come from, this alien, fist-pumping, Jager-bombing avatar of modern sexism, racism, and nihilism? … At what point did all strong homosocial relationships between men become conflated with the most vile and socially abhorrent behavior and egregious sartorial choices?” Jared Keller has a theory.

Is This The World’s First Cyborg Artist?

“‘I can have phone calls to my head,’ says Neil Harbisson, sitting across the table from me. Dangling over his forehead is an antenna that curves up and over from the back of his skull. The device, which he calls an ‘eyeborg’, was recently upgraded, meaning his skull is now Bluetooth-enabled.”