How Technology Brings Music (And The Means Of Making It) To Everyone

“Consider hypothetically that a philanthropist wants to create a music education library in every country of the world that just has the contents printed out of what is on IMSLP. Billions and billions of pieces of paper would be necessary, and transport mechanisms, and duplicates, etc. But make it PDF music, and in fact what exists right this moment is a situation where every spot on the globe that has even a moderate internet connection has exactly this library, without one piece of paper being printed.”

How Canada’s New Copyright Law Is Ruining Educational Publishing

“Balancing users’ rights with those of creators is always a tricky business and when the previous Conservative government updated the copyright law in 2012, publishers and writers warned that it had made far too large and vague an exemption for educational purposes, considering that digital copying in universities and photocopying in schools is standard practice and was licensed to the education sector by publishers. At the time, provincial education ministries promised they would only copy what was fair, but defining fair has proved highly contentious.”

The New York Times Writes William Shakespeare’s Obituary

“‘To be or not to be,’ said Hamlet, prince of Denmark, ‘that is the question.’ Yesterday, Hamlet’s creator was; today, he is not. Of that there is no question. The poet, playwright, actor and theatrical-company shareholder William Shakespeare (sometimes spelled Shakspeare, Shagspere, Shaxpere, Shaxberd or any number of blessed ways) died today, April 23, 1616, at home in Stratford-upon-Avon. He was, more or less, 52.”

A New Version Of ‘Carmen,’ Inspired By Refugees

“‘Her name was Carmen,’ choreographed by Russian Andrei Kuznetsov-Vecheslov, is set in a camp ‘on the fringes of Europe.’ It will be premiered by Kolesnikova and the St Petersburg Ballet Theatre at the London Coliseum in August before taking on a world tour. Part of the proceeds from London ticket sales will go to help Oxfam’s work.”