Amazon Offers Fourteen Original Series Pilots For Public Vote

“Amazon delivered its first bundle of original content on Friday, pilots for eight comedies (and six children’s shows) that could become series on Amazon Instant Video. The digital twist is that not only can the public see these pilots, but it can also rate and review them, information Amazon says it will weigh in deciding which series are made.”

Advertising On The Web Isn’t As Carefully Targeted As You Might Think

“Everyone knows that half of all advertising dollars are wasted. And everyone knows that the Internet fixes that, because digital advertisers can spend money getting their messages to the people they want to reach. Except that’s not true at all: The Web offers advertisers a slew of creepily effective targeting mechanisms, but they only work for some stuff, some of the time.”

Exploring Inside The Brain

“What’s happening in brain science at the moment is as exciting as the discoveries that are being made about the cosmos. Inner space and outer space. Maybe consciousness is a new kind of force, in the way electricity or magnetism is. It might be that, as we explore the brain, we come to an understanding of consciousness as being a separate property.”