Canada’s Local News Problem – A Role For Public Broadcasting?

I believe the CBC should make a big push to fill the yawning gaps in local news and cultural production created by the decline of private sector providers. I think it should do so even though it will harm some of its competitors because doing nothing won’t save them. Local news is too important to the functioning of our local democracy and our local communities.

Solresol, The 19th-Century Invented Language Based On Music

“Jean-François Sudre, a music teacher in 19th-century France, … [had a] vision of a universal language [that] transcended linguistic boundaries. From written and spoken word to melody, gesture, number, and even color, there are few ways that one can’t express Solresol, the language that Sudre spent more than three decades developing. But after his death in 1862, it was largely forgotten. Fittingly, the global connections made possible by the digital age have forged a 21st-century life for Solresol.”

Novelist John Ehle, 92

“Mr. Ehle, who had been married to the British actress Rosemary Harris since 1967, wrote radio dramas, biographies, a nonfiction account of student civil rights protests at Chapel Hill, a history of the Cherokee Nation and a guide to French and British wines and cheeses. But he is best known for his seven Appalachian novels, which were partly inspired by stories he heard from his mother’s family, whose roots in the mountains went back several generations.”

In Praise Of The Traditional Concert Hall

Yes, the physical manifestations of music worship, structures so Romantic that they wouldn’t be foreign to Richard Wagner. Though some argue that the etiquette for concert halls is outdated, elitist, and partly responsible for classical music’s struggle to find new audiences, concert halls actually provide unique experiences that have become all too rare.

As Cannes Begins, It Does So Without Netflix – And With Few Films Directed By Women

Oh, Thierry Frémaux, did you really say this? You did. “Cannes artistic director Thierry Frémaux remarked at a news conference Thursday morning that the world ‘will never be the same again’ after sexual assault allegations against Harvey Weinstein boosted the #MeToo movement, IndieWire reported. But he added that the industry’s related gender inequality issues and the lack of female filmmakers represented at Cannes had nothing to do with each other.” Sure, buddy. Sure.

Univision Lays Off 150 Amid Debt Woes

Univision has billions in debt left from its leveraged buyout a decade ago, and is struggling with the same headwinds facing all linear operators. The company also made an aggressive play for millennials by acquiring the former Gawker Media sites, which are now known as the Gizmodo Media Group, a subsidiary of Fusion.

Study Says Chicago Arts District Has $2 Billion Economic Impact On City

Economic impact was calculated using the amount spent by the arts institutions and by visitors, both “directly,” at the arts venues and “indirectly,” at other businesses such as restaurants, shops, and hotels. It also includes “induced impact,” which is a sort of ripple-effect estimation of the value of things like jobs in other industries supported by the direct and indirect spending.

How Images Are Increasingly Shaping Our Political Debate

The line between subjective truth and propaganda is as old as war, politics and religion, but what’s disquieting today is the velocity at which it moves, and how impossible it is to shove the genie back into the bottle. What are we to believe? Social media have given a populist, liberating edge to what we see, but how do we discern fiction from truth? And will images resonate in the eye long enough to meaningfully shape a generation with an insatiable fascination for the next swipe and click.

How Do We Break Down Lines Between Everyday Culture And Institutional-based Culture?

“I believe there needs to be a radically different institutional framework for cultural intermediation that brings both official and everyday culture and cultural actors together in order to break down barriers between them. This must include the democratisation of cultural intermediation at management level to waft some much-needed fresh air into the corridors of cultural policy.”

The Tension Between Accessibility And Elitism

Museums, galleries and universities often find themselves confronted with a common problem here. On the one hand, they are working hard to make themselves more approachable and accessible – often with real success. On the other hand, they are simultaneously invested in building up ‘prestige’ in a way that can make those who work in them seem superhuman and the institutions themselves seem overpowering or otherworldly – distant from everyday experience.