Royal Ballet Says It Won’t Cancel China Tour

“Some Tibetan demonstrators have called for a boycott of the Olympics following China’s recent crackdown on protests in the region. Dancers from Covent Garden are due to travel to Beijing in June, where they will perform Sleeping Beauty at the opening ceremony of the Cultural Olympiad. They will also perform Manon in Beijing and Shanghai before touring Japan.

The “Un”Culture

“Perhaps we’ve reached the point at which there are no good titles left to copy, when networks are so starved for inspiration they’re even naming comedies after programs that failed. More likely it has something to do with the first two letters: “Un-,” it bears pointing out, is the most powerful prefix in pop culture. Everybody uses it.”

New Play Generates Chicago Heat

A new play by a Chicago writer that focuses on a brutal heat wave in the city that killed more than 700 people in 1995 has premiered in the very neighborhood hit hardest by the tragedy. The production is prompting a reexamination of the “social fault lines” that led to so many dying so quickly.