You’ve Heard This Before, Right? Netflix Is Revolutionizing TV

“On Fox, Arrested Development would set up a joke in one episode and pay it off three weeks later; on Net­flix the joke would pay off in an hour and a half. When ­people say Arrested Development was ahead of its time–something the show’s staff is as likely to say as its fanboys are–they’re really saying that it was ahead of Net­flix.”

How The Michelle Shocked Fiasco Went Down: An Eyewitness Report

“When people ask if she seemed high or drunk, she didn’t. She seemed like someone who had actually gone off medication – anxious and rocking back and forth and a lot of activity and about to explode with emotional anxiety. … At one point in the first set she even said, ‘You all seem very nice, but I’ve been in rooms of nice people before and sometimes they turn on you.'”

Tod Machover: New Thinking On What Makes Music

“One of my students said what he is interested in is whether we can find a way to create musical experiences that allow people to find each other, and find out about each other. It’s an idea about music as a way of connecting people – not as in: ‘Oh gee, I found out we like the same piece’, but as in: ‘In what way can I play this piece that will show you something interesting about me?'”