Indie, R.I.P.

“Have you considered ‘indie’ of late? It’s a sad sight. Staggering around on its last legs, finding employment to describe just about anything in the cultural sphere. It’s ubiquitous and meaningless. Brutalized and disfigured. Omnipresent and bereft of any, let’s see, independence. Let’s euthanize it.”

The Media Generation

“The millennials–the cohort born after 1982–might be caled the Look at Me Generation. Thanks to ‘The Real World,’ ‘Laguna Beach’ and the like, they’ve been documented like no group before them, most especially by themselves: on their blogs, their MySpace, Facebook and Flickr pages, and on YouTube. And now the artistes are taking their turn, with a new wave of reality series, films and books examining the documentation generation.”

Surprise – Supreme Court To Hear FCC Indecency Case

“The case, to be argued in the fall, involves a recent Federal Communications Commission policy that holds broadcasters liable for ‘fleeting expletives’ — single instances of certain profanities, uttered usually in live settings. But the justices could also review constitutional issues raised by the commission’s overall indecency regime, which may no longer be tenable in the age of filtering technologies.”