A couple of weeks ago the NEA’s present and past chairs got together to talk about the role of arts in America. “What emerged most pointedly was how the panelists attempted to define artists and the arts as utilitarian tools. The underlying sentiment seemed to be if we don’t cast the arts in terms of their social-political-economic usefulness, how can we justify underwriting them at public expense?” – Backstage


Violinist Pinchas Zukerman has taken over directing Canada’s National Arts Center Orchestra: “I’ve been cleaning up the place, it’s filthy,” he said. “It was basically the wrong people at the wrong time, or the right people at the wrong time, or the wrong people at the right time. It’s just never been right.” One thing you won’t hear him perform is music in period-instrument style: “I hate it. It’s disgusting,” he said. “The first time I heard that shit, I couldn’t believe it. It’s complete rubbish, and the people who play it. . . . Maybe one or two or a half-dozen have wonderful musical minds. But I certainly don’t want to hear them perform.” – Toronto Globe and Mail


Why do we feel the need to remake certain stories over and over? Is it because there are things in literature that are too troubling to be left alone? On the other hand, “converting books into movies always seemed silly to me, I think. I never understood what they were for other than to rid people of the pleasure or necessity of reading. I think, though, that the point is not to see a plot enacted or certain characters embodied by actors, but to explore the question of how something will play.” – New York Press


The best writing in Australia these days isn’t coming from the country’s novelists. “History, and Australian history especially, is being written in a new way by a new breed of historian, who not only tells us of the events, but who explores the events in terms of their moral qualities.” – Sydney Morning Herald