Free Speech in India and the Problems With Wendy Doniger’s ‘The Hindus’

“Conservative Hindu groups have been campaigning against Doniger for more than a decade, contending that she misunderstands and deliberately misrepresents Hindu texts and practices, insults Hindu gods in her readings of myth, and crudely focusses … on sex. To her detractors, what look at first like impressive scholarly credentials … are, in fact, evidence of a sinister colonialist conspiracy dominating the study of Hinduism in the West.”

You Know What We Forget to Teach Music Students? Happiness

Holly Mulcahy: “One of the most important things being overlooked at music schools is practicing, maintaining, and cultivating happiness. Happiness is habitually pushed aside until an individual’s ideal goal or job has been achieved. With many musicians and artists I know, there is often an unspoken ‘law’ that individuals deprive or deny themselves of happiness until they have ‘made it’.”

New: Self-Published Books Are Now Outselling Traditional Publishers

“Indie authors are outselling the big five. That’s the entire big five. Combined. Indie and small-press books account for half of the ebook sales in the most popular and bestselling genres on Amazon,” writes Howey in his report, which has been described as “the most penetrating, ground-breaking, explosive article about publishing in memory.”

This Is How We’re Eating Our Creative Youths (It’s Not Pretty)

“As their ranks have swelled, interns are beginning to see themselves as part of a special class, albeit one with few privileges and perks. They share their own brand of gallows humor, their own pride of purpose and their own battle-hardened worldview tinged with a risk-taker’s optimism.”