The Sign Language Of Drivers

A look at “the existence of this informal language of road signals – either creative adaptations of the simple communicative tools available on an automobile (lights, turn/brake signals, horn) or, often, some gesture by the driver himself (a wave, ‘the finger,’ etc.). How do these things emerge, how are they transmitted, and how are they understood?”

The Political Education Of Yosi Sergant

“He’d gone from working as a publicist and living in [L.A.’s] Echo Park, to working in the White House, to working as director of communications for the National Endowment of the Arts, to being unemployed” – drummed out of D.C. over an edited quote from a conference call that led to accusations that he was propagandizing for Obama with government money.

Bernard-Henri Levy Caught Quoting Fake Philosopher

In public appearances and in his latest book, France’s most famous public intellectual has been quoting from the work of Jean-Baptiste Botul, putative author of The Sex Life of Immanuel Kant. M. Botul (founder of the Botulisme school of thought) is, in fact, the creation of a satirist who writes for Le Canard enchaîné. (Lévy has been a remarkably good sport about the embarrassment.)