The Hot New Performance Space? Your Living Room

“Living rooms are just the best way to do that. It’s a space where a group of people can comfortably exist on its own terms – they can sit on chairs, if they want, or pig-pile on the carpet, which we prefer. People can clap when they want to, and play the air violin if they’re so inclined. There are no invisible institutional strictures that inhibit the way in which we want to participate.”

How Can You Tell If An Author Is Being “Authentic”?

“Tackling an author who is new to us, it can be hard to tell whether the work is authentic or not. In which case, best to enjoy the perplexity of not quite knowing how serious our author is, weighing the arguments on both sides, reading another novel to see how it fits. This is part of the fun of reading, too, the attempt to get one’s mind round the work, accepting a long game played out over three, four, five books.”