Russian Dance Legend Dead

“Natalya Dudinskaya, one of the last surviving legends of Soviet ballet, died aged 90 on Wednesday. No other dancer could compare to her lightning-fast cascades razor-edge precise steps. Her dancing technique was once labeled ‘choreographic bel canto,’ a reference to the classic Italian vocal school demonstrated at its best by singers such as Maria Callas.”

Gross Is Fine – Just No Stealing Paintings

As reality TV shows get grosser and more extreme, is there any idea the networks won’t go for? Apparently yes: “We had someone who wanted us to break into the Getty Museum and steal a painting,’ says the creator of such shows as World’s Funniest Hypnotist. Bad ideas like the Getty heist could give a black eye to the whole reality genre, he says, which he believes has a lot of quality entertainment life left in it.”

Foster’s Plan For WTC Dead?

Norman Foster’s plans for the World Trade Center site have been all but rejected. “A team of architects rejected his proposal of two crystalline towers because they felt it would not be practical to construct or find tenants to fill. The architects’ recommendation will go to the panel which will make the final decision next week.”