On Poetry And The Mainstream

Farrar Straus & Giroux president Jonathan Galassi: “Poetry is not mainstream, but then neither is serious fiction, really. But I don’t think there’s a lot to worry about in this particular ‘problem’. Why does art have to be mainstream to be significant? … Poetry has a vital place in society, whether it’s granted one or not.”

UNESCO Reports On The Parlous State Of Pompeii

Although much of Pompeii ­remains in good repair, the problems are numerous, including “inappropriate restoration ­methods and a general lack of qualified staff… restoration projects are outsourced and the quality of the work of the contractors is not being assessed. An efficient drainage system is lacking, ­leading to water infiltration and excessive moisture that gradually degrades the structural condition of the buildings as well as their decor. The mission was also concerned by the amount of plant growth, particularly ivy.”

Games – The New Way To Carry On Your Relationships

“Almost every adult in the industrialized world (and many in developing economies) now uses some sort of electronic device daily, and all of those devices offer some sort of game. As games become ubiquitous, they are not only content but also context, context for mundane human relationships among people who don’t even consider themselves gamers.”