How The Internet Has Changed Self-Publishing

“In this time of Twitter feeds and self-designed Snapfish albums and personal YouTube channels, it’s hard to remember the stigma that once attached to self-publishing. But it was very real. By contrast, to have a book legitimately produced by a publishing house in the 20th century was not just to have copies of your work … Continue reading “How The Internet Has Changed Self-Publishing”

Isn’t It Romantic? Harlequin Starts Self-Publishing Division

“The self-published novels won’t be sold under the Harlequin brand, but Harlequin, which sells about 1,500 romances every year, is hoping it could become a grooming ground for future authors.” That’s in keeping with tradition: Over the last decade, Harlequin says, “at least 50 of its authors have come from the ranks of its readers.”

Self-Publishing Finds Its Legs

“For the first time, print-on-demand companies are successfully positioning themselves as respectable alternatives to mainstream publishing and erasing the stigma of the old-fashioned vanity press. Some even make a case that they give authors an advantage — from total control over the design, editing and publicity to a bigger share of the profits.”

Adventures In Self-Publishing

Andy Kessler was wary. “I had been warned against self-publishing. You can’t get reviews, you can’t get shelf space, and you can’t get respect. One hundred thousand books are published every year, so you need an imprint to stand out from the noise. Being naive, and used to being treated like Rodney Dangerfield, I decided … Continue reading “Adventures In Self-Publishing”


Self-publishing in the field of philosophy is tempting. “One problem is perceived to be that the system makes it virtually impossible for non-academics to get published, no matter what the quality of their work is.” But to the establishment, self-publishing is the kiss of death – no one of standing will take a self-published work seriously. – The Philosopher’s … Continue reading “PHILOSOPHY OF SELF-PUBLISHING”