Need A Literary Award To Help Promote Your Book? Buy One Here

Prizes have now taken the place of reviews as “the means by which many people now decide which books to buy, when they bother to buy books at all.” So supply meets demand: we have the National Best Book Awards (resemblance intentional), which has “150 active categories” and for which every book entered (fee $69 per category) becomes a finalist.

When Universal Removed Black Actors From A UK Poster

“Studios make dumb decisions all the time. But … the real underlying issue behind these kinds of gaffes” is homogeneity among the higher-ups. “The decision-makers at studios are virtually all white, so they don’t see potential racial slights in the same light as they would if they had someone — anyone! — of color in the executive suite.”

Isn’t It Romantic? Harlequin Starts Self-Publishing Division

“The self-published novels won’t be sold under the Harlequin brand, but Harlequin, which sells about 1,500 romances every year, is hoping it could become a grooming ground for future authors.” That’s in keeping with tradition: Over the last decade, Harlequin says, “at least 50 of its authors have come from the ranks of its readers.”