Tuition Fee Would Reconcile Labels With Downloading Fans

“U.S. universities are getting a glimpse at a plan that would build a small music-royalty fee into the tuition payments they receive from students. If successful, the model — proposed by digital music strategist Jim Griffin on behalf of Warner Music Group — could be expanded to make ISPs the collector of such micropayments,” which … Continue reading “Tuition Fee Would Reconcile Labels With Downloading Fans”

Finally, Downloading Gets Classical

“If you’re a classical music connoisseur, chances are you’ve never felt much love for the likes of iTunes and Napster.” But this week, a music download service specializing in classical was launched, featuring much higher fidelity than traditional downloads, and a library that already boasts 18,000 titles.

A Calm, Reasoned Argument Against Illegal Downloading

Conventional wisdom says that free music is the future, and the record industry is fighting a quixotic battle even attempting to combat illegal downloading. But one record company exec says we’re all missing the point. “If you could download a loaf of bread free you would. But you can’t, thank God, because otherwise bakers would … Continue reading “A Calm, Reasoned Argument Against Illegal Downloading”