Is There A Better Case To Be Made For The Arts?: The Home Stretch

What do Bill Ivey, Midori, Robert L. Lynch, Glenn Lowry, Ben Cameron, Andrew Taylor, Joli Jensen, Jim Kelly, Adrian Ellis, Phil Kennicott and Russell Willis Taylor have in common? They’re taking part in a week-long blog debate on ArtsJournal about the value of the arts: “Let’s paint a picture of what we think a vibrant cultural system should look like, and then advocate on behalf of policies that take us there. In my experience, arts advocates tend to ask for “more,” rather than for a specific outcome. If we want a drawing teacher in every fourth grade classroom, let’s talk that way. I think policy leaders and funders like to know exactly what will happen if they support a program. The challenge, of course, is that once we get where we say we want to go, we have to be willing to stop, and not ask for more…That’s been hard for us to do.”