Uniquely Yours – 10 Pieces Of Unique Music

There are some works of art that are unique – they can’t be repeated or recreated by others, writes Tim Page, who offers a list of “unique” music. “If there is any tie that binds, it is their un-repeatability. It is impossible to imagine a sequel to any of them; they create new forms, live out their lives and then break their own molds. (The same cannot be said of some of the most hallowed masterpieces – Shakespeare’s plays, Bach’s choral music, Mozart’s symphonies, Chaplin’s comedies – all of which fit gloriously into one continuum or another.) Indeed, it has been argued that the very uniqueness of some of the works on this list is a sign of sterility, that the avenues of expression they seemed to open have usually proven to be cul-de-sacs. Still, if you want these particular goods, there’s only one place to get them.”